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PG&E ELRP Direct Customer Enrollment

Before you begin the enrollment process, please gather the following information:

  • PG&E account number or a phone number associated with the account
  • A meter number associated with the account
  • Contact information (name, email, phone)
  • If any of the sites you are enrolling have a back-up generator, including any prohibited resources , you will be asked to specify whether you intend to utilize it in response to an ELRP event (if permitted) and provide the following:
    • Generator description
    • Nameplate capacity (optional if you do not intend to utilize the back-up generator)
    • Fuel type (optional if you do not intend to utilize the back-up generator)
    • Notice time (optional)
    • Ramp time (optional)
  • Whether any of the sites you are enrolling have a Rule 21 export agreement and you would like to be compensated under ELRP for load reduction associated with incremental exports
  • Confirm none of the sites you are enrolling have a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA)
  • Email address(es) for personnel that should receive ELRP event notifications
  • The nomination, or expected load reduction (kW) during events, for each site
  • Email address for authorized signer of the Terms and Conditions (if you are not authorized)